Monday, June 21, 2010

Dubai to have security cameras 'everywhere' - Yahoo! News

If we aren't careful, the US will follow Dubai's same road led by Secretary Napolitano. In this journey US citizens will be asked to forsake our civil and Constitutional rights to have a safer homeland. The Bush Administration gave us the US PATRIOT ACT which overrode many civil rights in the name of homeland security.

President Obama ran on a campaign promise of change. In regards to homeland security, he and Secretary Napolitano aren't changing and seem to be only furthering the dilution of civil rights started under the previous administration. The President is seeking the power to shut-down the Internet in the event of a cyber attack. The definition of such an attack of course remains illusive. One hacker living overseas attacks the Pentagon servers, does this mean no Hulu for the rest of us?

Now Secretary Napolitano wants to increase surveillance of Internet usage by US citizens for fear if she doesn't, homegrown terrorism will run amuck. Secretary Napolitano hasn't met a US citizens that doesn't pose some kind of homeland security issue, rather it be a convert to radical Islam or merely a drug dealer. of course, where is her outrage and laser like focus on real threats to the homeland like BP? The entire ecological and economic systems of the Gulf Coast are in jeopardy, yet she is off worrying about what some undergrad may be looking at in his or her dorm.

Dubai to have security cameras 'everywhere' - Yahoo! News

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