Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Confidence Waning in Obama, U.S. Outlook -

Why is this surprising? We want elected officials who have a blank slate. If they have had an opinion on anything, they won't make it through the election process. Imagine someone like a Teddy Roosevelt running today, he would get annihilated in the media. Instead we get people like our current President, who was able to survive the election process because he lacked any track record to predict his future performance. He made speeches in in an even tone without ever getting emotional. Unfortunately the world tends to abuse even keel kind of guys. The war in Afghanistan has only gotten worse since he took office and the President has been disconcertingly quiet on the oil spill in the Gulf. There was a piece out last week asking if the President should become an "angry black man". The piece went into a bunch of silly nonsense for at the end, President Obama is the quintessential 21st Century, race not withstanding. He has no experience for experience would have caused him to have a track record. He has no track record because he has never had to make a decision. Had he done either, it would have been used against him in the election. The question we must ask ourselves is do we want to continue to elect political savants or actual leaders?

Confidence Waning in Obama, U.S. Outlook -

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