Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Boxer Declares Climate Change as the Greatest Threat

The author of this piece is overlooking the obvious; Boxer is stating why the US military will be used to protect the planet. Regardless of where you fall on this topic, the US government sees a lot of opportunity to further its agenda under the guise of "climate change". The oil spill in the Gulf coast is generating outrage from the President but rather a rehash of the cap and trade policy. How the hell does selling carbon credits help clean-up the Gulf coast?

The residents of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida and even Texas rely on the Gulf of Mexico to provide their livelihood. Fishing and tourism are two of the biggest industries based on a healthy Gulf. What has escaped the notice of the media is how many residents as rely on the Gulf to provide their food. Yes, we saw the President choking down some mudbugs but for many, eating the local fauna is their only source of protein. Imagine what is going to happen to these people who can no longer catch or hunt their own food. They will be forced to leave but to where? Will they be able to catch or hunt the same kind of food that they are used to? Will these relocated people be accepted by their new neighbors?

Instead of thinking about this, we get Senator Boxer and others making nitwit claims that the environment WILL become the next reason for war and not admitting that for our brothers and sisters on the Gulf and may already by too late. - Boxer Declares Climate Change as the Greatest Threat, But Opponents Slam Theory

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