Sunday, June 13, 2010

BP Given 48 Hours by U.S. Coast Guard

The Empire State building was completed in 1931 after only one year of construction. Hoover Dam was completed in 1936 after 5 years of construction. The Golden Gate bridge was completed in 1937 without a single loss of life. It is hard to imagine these were accomplished by the same country that now sits on its hands while BP bungles yet another attempt to fix the oil spill. Wake up folks! MIT, Cal Polytech and a legion of other US engineering colleges puke out graduates every year. Surely they are able to come up with plan that works since they are NOT beholding to the BP executives.

The Gulf Coast oil spill is not the only major one going on. Google Nigeria and oil spill. You will find out some very depressing and disturbing facts.

BP Given 48 Hours by U.S. Coast Guard to Step Up Capacity to Contain Spill - Bloomberg

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