Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What happens when your message is off

From what I gather out of this article, the police chief declared a state of emergency consistent with actions taken by the county. As a result, a state law kicked-in banning the possession of alcohol or firearms in automobiles from 12AM to 5AM. On the face of it, the police chief seems to have been only interested in protecting the community through the emergency declaration. Unfortunately, she did not understand or failed to consider how the residents would react. She has did not do a very good job before or after of getting her message across. The case is a good example for community leaders and corporate executives alike; intentions will be interpreted as malicious if you don't get your message out. People will make-up stuff to fill in gaps of information. Very rarely will the company owner, fire chief, police chief, or mayor come out smelling like a rose under such circumstances.

Residents Fumed Over Weekend Alcohol, Firearm Ban - Winston-Salem News Story - WXII The Triad

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