Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kalamazoo River oil spill

Apparently, we haven't learned anything from the Gulf oil spill. We now have something on the same scale the can effect the Great Lakes. Over 800,000 gallons of oil has spilled into a waterway that flows into Lake Michigan on Monday. Enbridge Energy partners, which owns the oil rig, is investigating (in other words, they have come up with plausible deniability or can't figure out who is going pay for this). In keeping with Louisiana during Katrina, the governor of Michigan has not yet asked for help. Keep in mind this spill is on the same scale with the one in the Gulf! The Obama administration is in keeping with its inactivity in protecting the country. It files lawsuits against Arizona but doesn't address the real problem of immigration. We now have another environmental and economic disaster in less than 120 days and the President is busy playing his lyre.

Crews Step Up Work to Contain Michigan Oil Spill -

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