Saturday, March 20, 2010

Antiedepressants and the military

Watch TV and you will very quickly see ads for pharmaceutical ad for the latest cure-all. The majority of these ads are for some type of psychotropic drug to treat depression. If you listen to these ads, the disclaimers almost always point out a side effect of taking the anti-depressant is increased suicidal tendencies. Perhaps I'm wrong but people most likely to commit suicide are probably depressed. I've not heard of anyone who was content or happy contemplating suicide. Why then do we accept that anti-depressants, which are supposed to control your depression, likely to increase suicidal tendencies? The below article from the Army Times details what is happening to our military personnel. The VA study shows soldiers are TWICE as likely to commit suicide AFTER they start anti-depressants. For those is the security and safety fields, it means you are increasingly likely to have to deal with a vet that is on some kind of psychotropic medication. I don't know why we accept this.

Medicating the military - Army News, news from Iraq, - Army Times

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1 comment:

Quimbob said...

As it was explained to me, people suffering depression are more likely to commit suicide as their depression begins to be alleviated because, while their severe depression prevents them from getting anything done, when the depression begins to be alleviated, it's still there, but the person is able to pull their act together enough to actually commit suicide. This pertains to therapy with or without drugs.
Of course this is in civilianland & most civilians don't know how to kill anybody let alone themselves.
It also doesn't sound like what happened to the guy in the story who was riding in the humvee gunner turret.